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In these difficult times, there are sometimes rays of light that move us and make us want to smile again: Dr.playbreaker® has collaborated with the “Fundación Crecer Jugando” in managing a large toy donation through the “Comparte y Recicla” campaign.

It all started with the initiative of brothers Abel and Misi Fernández, who wished to collaborate with the foundation and contacted Dr.playbreaker® to deliver a large number of toys they wanted to donate to help. Dr.playbreaker® managed the collection with Abel of more than 25 boxes (2m² of toys) to make them available to the Fundación Crecer Jugando and allocate them to the “Comparte y Recicla” campaign.

The SEUR Foundation was responsible for collecting all the donated toys for handling at the ILADE Special Employment Center: toys that are no longer suitable for play will be sent for recycling thanks to the participation of Fundación ECOTIC in the campaign, while the rest will be prepared to meet their new owners this Christmas through donations to associations and NGOs across Spain.

At Dr.playbreaker®, we once again thank Abel and Misi for the enormous gesture they have made with their donation.